templates/bundles/UVDeskSupportCenterBundle/Templates/layout.html.twig line 1

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
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  81.                 {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('success') %}
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  83.                         <span class="uv-notification-close"></span>
  84.                         <p>{{ flashMessage|raw }}</p>
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  86.                 {% endfor %}
  87.                 {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('warning') %}
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  89.                         <span class="uv-notification-close"></span>
  90.                         <p>{{ flashMessage|raw }}</p>
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  92.                 {% endfor %}
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  95.                 <div class="uv-notification uv-error">
  96.                     <p>Your browser does not support JavaScript or you disabled it, please enable it or update your browser!</p>
  97.                 </div>
  98.                 <style>.uv-loader-view {display: none;}</style>
  99.             </noscript>
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  101.         {% include "@UVDeskSupportCenter/Templates/header.html.twig" %}
  102.         {% block header %}
  103.         {% endblock %}
  104.         {% include "@UVDeskSupportCenter/Templates/breadcrumbs.html.twig" %}
  105.         {% block tabHeader %}
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  107.         {% block wrapper %}
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  111.                         {% if websiteConfiguration is defined and websiteConfiguration.ticketCreateOption %}
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  123.                                     <div class="uv-cta-rt">
  124.                                         <h2>Unable to find an answer?</h2>
  125.                                         <p>Looking for anything specific article which resides in general queries? Just browse the various relevant folders and categories and then you will find the desired article.</p>
  126.                                         <a href="{{ path('helpdesk_customer_create_ticket') }}" class="uv-btn uv-margin-top-15">Contact Us</a>
  127.                                     </div>
  128.                                 </div>
  129.                             {% endif %}
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  136.             {#% include "@UVDeskSupportCenter/Templates/footer.html.twig" %#}
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  162.                     <p><%= alertMessage %> </p>
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  166.                 var warningResponse = {
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  168.                     'alertMessage' : 'Error : Something went wrong, please try again later',
  169.                 };
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  171.             {% include('@UVDeskSupportCenter/Themes/cookiePolicy.html.twig') %}
  172.         {% endblock %}
  173.     </body>
  174. </html>